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X-Mas Artwork

The task we were given was to create an artwork emulating a Christmas cards that was inspired from a "seasonal image".

I took that to mean specifically another Christmas card, and so I looked into them.


Scan_20211217 (2).png

top left was first, top right was second, bottom left was third, and bottom right was fourth


(What inspired the first piece)

During my looks into Christmas cards the first one to catch my eye was a handmade card, when I saw it I knew that whatever I was going to modify it into I would select it anyway. The first thought that came to me from the image of 4 mountains was an online animated series called Tankmen, which I was reminded of because of it having collapsed buildings in the background and a tall watch tower.

The 2nd artwork was made because I found a "gag" Christmas card with Father Christmas in a bikini, with cut-outs on the bra, saying "Ho Ho Hoe". And there was a snowman who had genitals. When I saw that I had to respond the gag with a gag by making both of them into the crewmates from Among Us.

The 3rd was just made on a wim, I didn't look at any cards but while looking somewhere else I learned of something about an entertainer named Momosuzu Nene and I just felt like I had to make something for them.

4th was unfinished, I found a card that had animals surrounding a Christmas tree, but while drawing it I just couldn't draw what I was gonna replace the animals with so I stopped at that.

16/12/2021 + 17/12/2021


(The lower 1/3 of the piece weren't thought of so there's a lack of colouring at that area)

I came up with the building on the left  and the fence from the setting of the fan made animation "Tankmen Infinity".

Since this is for the holidays I added some seasonal details, like Christmas lights in the watch tower or inside the left building.

The colours were taken from the original inspiration. I was trying to figure out how to put in a 4th thing to make purple but I couldn't figure out how to make it fit in good, my attempt was in the sketch, it was blocked by the watch tower, so I scrapped it.

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